Importance of Innovation for the Future

Throughout history, humans have always developed new ways to improve their daily lives. From stone tools to smartphones, innovation has been imbedded in our lives. In order to obtain an ideal, sustainable future with a healthy world, we must strive towards the continued development of environmentally friendly energy sources to combat global climate change. As Andolino points out, “ Nearly any possible solution or meaningful step in the right direction for sustainability will be in large part contributed by innovation,” (2021). In saying this, Andolino explains how at this point in time, the world does not have the means to achieve a more sustainable world. Any solution to global climate change would have to involve a certain level of innovation and development to develop the means to combat climate change. In other words, the world needs to continue to develop the technology needed to achieve a sustainable future.

Development of Electric Cars

A solution to further the development of a sustainable future would be to run research and development, or R&D, programs. Industries cannot be relied on to carry out such innovation on their own without government programs or aid. However, with the example that Tesla has made of the profitability of the electric car market, many manufacturers have followed their example. Andolino points out, “creating a social initiative instead of legal would lead to the greatest outcome,” (2021). In saying this he refers to the profitability of Tesla and the companies that have followed in their footsteps. In other words, the continued success of electric cars is enough to get other car manufacturers to move towards developing a larger variety of electric vehicles. More specifically, the electric car industry will rely on their research and development departments in order to make the transition from gas powered to all electric vehicles. There are just a handful of battery powered vehicles available today, and the further development of their technology will allow car manufacturers to produce a greater variety of sustainable vehicles. In addition, there are not many options to choose from other than cars. Future production of electric vans, trucks and semi-trucks will be a major step forward in achieving the goal of having mostly all electric vehicles in people’s driveways.

Overall, the further research and development of sustainable means of transportation will bring the world closer to a clean environment. Better allocation of resources and social pressures put on manufacturers will be a catalyst for change in sustainable vehicle innovation.


Andolino, B. (2021, March 3). Innovations, Researh and What it Means for the Future [Web log post]. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from

